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Becoming a World-Class Animator

Join us, Thursday, September 17th, 2015, for an evening with Marco Marenghi and learn what it takes to be a world-class animator. His story is one of inspiration and motivation; from dealing with redundancy to embarking on a complete career change and becoming a world-class animator for the industry’s highest profile companies. Marco will share helpful information on what he looks for in aspiring animators and will advise on how to stand out from the crowd. He will touch on lessons in rejection and perseverance, and offer general industry advice to help keep artists motivated in the competitive field of animation. Attendees and Livestream viewers will also learn about how skills can cross industries, from films to game cinematics, and vice versa. Plus, there will be opportunity to enjoy behind-the-scenes footage and stories from a true industry veteran. The event is free and open to the public. Entry is by RSVP only, and seating is first come first served. If you can't make it to Hollywood, be sure to follow Gnomon on Livestream to watch the full event for free from anywhere in the world.



7:00 pm – 8:30 pm: Becoming a World-Class Artist 8:30 pm – 9:00 pm: Audience Questions

Guest Speaker

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Marco Marenghi Animation Director
Marco was an accomplished artist from an early age. When a forced redundancy from a career in electronics in 1995 gave him the opportunity to re-evaluate his life, Marco chased his true dream to become a world-class animator. His story is one of inspiration and motivation, and was even the subject of a 2003 BBC documentary called simply "The Marco Marenghi Story". Marco has since worked as a team leader at several of the world's highest profile companies and still strives to create seamless and inspiring animation. See Marco’s full IMDb profile.